====== Genesis 1 Event, may soon(tm) ====== //Short Preview...// **not tameable** * Astrocetus * Bloodstalkers * Megachelon * Tek Creatures (+Hover Skiff, Stryder) * X Creatures (all) * Gas bags **not breedable** * Tek Creatures * Bloodstalkers * Megachelon * Gas bags **disabled creatures** * Ichthyornis **disabled engrams** * Tek Jumppad * Tek Grenade Launcher * Tek Shoulder Cannon * Tek Hover Skiff * Mining Drill **new "allowed" tek engram** * Tek Sensor **special config** * Hexagon Limit set to 2,000,000,000 * currently no transfer/travel and ark data * the progress will get reset after the beta * X10 Player EXP while beta is running \\ \\ [[:start|<< back to Start]]