[[:start|<< back to Start]] ====== Cluster Rules ====== //Below all the Rules that apply within the ACCluster and which you automatically agree to by playing on this Cluster!// 🔸 **__General Rules__**\\ **§1.1** The Instructions of ACC Staff (Admins) must be followed\\ **§1.2** Cheating, Glitching, Griefing and Bug abuse is prohibited\\ **§1.3** Behave in a way that is fair to FSK12 (Chats, Voice, Names etc.)\\ **§1.4** Spamming, Capslock writing, advertising in Public Chats or Profile is prohibited\\ **§1.5** External modifications to the Client that are not made inside the Game using the Settings, are not permitted\\ **§1.6** It is forbidden to imitate other Players, Tribes or Alliances (to use the same names)\\ **§1.7** Refrain from using the name 123 as Account (Steam)name to camouflage yourself\\ **§1.8** It is not allowed to use ACC/Admin as an Account/Character Name\\ \\ \\ 🔸 **__PvP Rules__**\\ **§2.1** Balanced PvP Setup, play accordingly and be fair!\\ **§2.2** Refrain from destroying Beginners, let Beginners grow\\ **§2.3** Massive destruction of other Buildings for no reason is not permitted\\ **§2.4** Toxic Players who spread bad vibes everywhere are undesirable\\ \\ \\ 🔸 **__Build Rules__**\\ **§3.1** Blocking Spawns and Obelisks for others is strongly forbidden\\ **§3.2** Building inside Mesh or hiding Stuff inside Mesh is not allowed\\ **§3.3** Inhabiting Glitch/Rat holes/spots is prohibited\\ **§3.4** Avoid spamming the Worlds with Trash builds\\ **§3.5** Blocking resource-rich Areas is not allowed\\ \\ \\ 🔸 **__Creatures__**\\ **§4.1** Avoid tamed Creature Spam at the Maps and use Pods\\ **§4.2** Don't give away dangerous Creatures to inexperienced Players\\ \\ \\ 🔸 **__Offline Raid Protection__** [ORP]\\ **§5.1** Maximum one ORP Zone each Tribe/Alliance per World\\ **§5.2** Use of a ORP Zone on Obelisks or Boss Entrys is prohibited\\ **§5.3** Active ORP-protected Locations may not be used by others (Password access)\\ **§5.4** Active ORP-protected Locations may not be used by Alliance Members\\ **§5.5** Any misuse of the ORP will result in a permanent ban\\ \\ \\ [[:start|<< back to Start]]