[[:start|<< back to Start]] ====== Cluster Configuration ====== Below the Cluster Configuration, [[cluster:connect|click here]] to learn more about how to connect! * **24H Boost active** //(running Events may change the following Values)// * x3 XP Multiplier * x3 Harvest Amount * x2 Taming Speed * x2 Mating Interval * x2 Egg Hatch Speed * x2 Baby Mature Speed * x0.5 Cuddle Interval * x2 Imprinting * Balanced Concept with powerful Hardware * **Wipe-free Cluster with external Backups** * **Offline Raid Protection** active ([[support:orp|Details here]]) * PvP is enabled but please read the [[cluster:rules|Rules]] * Corpse Locator is enabled (+30 Min. Lifetime) * Maximal wild Dinosaur Level is set to 150 (exl. Caves) * Tribute Upload/Download is enabled (48h Lifetime) * TEK Engrams are limited to defensive Engrams on this Cluster * Crosshair, HUD, Map Location & Third-Person is enabled * Structure Resistance got slightly increased (Balanced) * Structure Destruction Multiplier got increased (x8) * Max. 130 Turrets in Range of 10.000 Units allowed * Max. 6 Players in Tribe allowed (15 Min. Cooldown) * Movement Speed per Skillpoint set to 0.3% (Balanced) * **Structures have an overall +50% durability** and * Thatch buildings last 32 days * Wooden buildings last 64 days * Stone buildings last 96 days * Metal buildings last 128 days :!: //You might also read [[:about|our Story]] and how this Cluster got born to understand the philosophy behind it!// [[:start|<< back to Start]]